Successful implementation of the cloud-based receivables management solution SUBITO FMM at Energieversorgung Offenbach AG

Energieversorgung Offenbach AG, or EVO for short, has decided to introduce a new cloud-based technology in receivables management as part of its Group strategy. Following a successful go-live, we are now taking a closer look at the background, the selection process, the implementation phase and the final evaluation of the project with Brigitte Casper, Head of Payment Transactions and Receivables Management at EVO.


In order to meet increasing demands and streamline processes, EVO decided to introduce a new cloud solution in receivables management. This decision was part of the overarching Group strategy. The other requirements for the new solution were demanding: a comprehensive range of functions, synergy effects between workflows, a state-of-the-art application architecture and open interfaces were all necessary in order to achieve the set objectives.

Selection process

The selection process for the new technology and the right provider was meticulous and methodical. The decisive selection criteria were, above all, the vendor’s many years of experience in the field of receivables management as well as the specifications of the software, such as the open interface architecture and the cloud capability of the solution. After a thorough selection process, EVO opted to work with SUBITO GmbH. The decision was based, amongst other things, on SUBITO’s outstanding expertise, its extensive experience as an established solution provider and its short response times.

Implementation phase

Most of the technical support during the product launch was provided on-site at EVO, which proved to be a major advantage. The close collaboration led to a high level of acceptance of the software solution and a successful go-live. Regular weekly meetings and flexible coordination during the week ensured seamless communication.

The obstacles encountered during installation in the target environment of the AWS cloud were overcome effectively thanks to the strong commitment and expertise of all project participants.


EVO’s decision to use SUBITO’s receivables management software was the right one. This state-of-the-art application component enables EVO to design its workflows efficiently and fits perfectly with the Group’s strategy. There was widespread acceptance of the new solution amongst the employees, which proved to be a key aspect in the success of the project.

Based on the experience gained, EVO can now wholeheartedly recommend SUBITO GmbH, a member of FINNOFLEET, and the company’s software solution in the field of receivables management. Its successful implementation has shown that carefully planned selection and close collaboration between the partners involved contribute significantly to the success of a project.